Powered by Messari Crypto API 🚀
Not all crypto data is created & compiled equally. OnChainFX uses data from messari.io, so you see the most accurate data available for over 1000 assets.
Messari works directly with crypto projects in an ongoing transparency initiative providing the crypto community with the most accurate, up-to-date information about crypto projects, including supply information, insider vesting schedules, investor allocations, project roadmaps, and much more. See the Messari Registry for more details.
Crypto pricing isn't always straightforward. Outlier events and outlier exchanges can cause pricing anomolies. Messari takes care to remove bad pricing data, providing users a consistent view of the market. See the Messari Method for a complete description.
As with pricing of crypto coins, the trading-volumes reported by exchanges can be unreliable, or even outright fraudulent. In early 2019, Bitwise Investments conducted a thorough analysis of bitcoin trade volume across most crypto exchanges and concluded that the vast majority of reported volume is fake. Messari launched a volume metric - the "Real 10 Volume" - in accordance with the methodolgy presented in Bitwise's report, and applied to all crypto assets. By default, OnChainFX uses this Real 10 volume figure. Some assets, though, do not have any Real 10 volume, which OnChainFX denotes with an asterisk (*) next to the volume figure.
Additionally, Messari calculates crypto assets' supply in a consistent and well-documented manner. Other data providers often apply different calculations to different assets, making it difficult for users to easily compare one asset to another. Messari's comprehensive supply methodology applies a consistent framework to all assets where data is available, so users have the best view of the total market. OnChainFX uses Messari's "Liquid Supply" by default in any calculation that relies on supply; for example, Market Cap. In cases where quality data is not available, OnChainFX uses widely reported circulating supply figures, denoted with an asterisk (*).